A message from our CEO

At Ascender, the core value of putting our people first involves creating an uplifting environment that supports strong morale and positive team spirit. Our goal is to help you put your people first to unlock the full potential of your workforce–and we can only do that by doing the same for our people.

People are our most valuable asset and sit at the heart of HR and Payroll. Happy and engaged employees drive customer advocacy and better business performance, so we do our best to provide the necessary tools to help our people be the best at all times, regardless of the situation.

Scroll down to see more of what we’ve been doing to put our people first, and allow us to help you do the same.

Putting People First

We understand people are not simply an input into our business, they are our business. We collaborate to build strong morale and positive spirit in our teams. We celebrate diversity and uniqueness while providing a rewarding and engaging working environment for all.

Organisations are still able to support, engage and grow employees in a remote working environment. In these current times, it’s imperatives your workforce is able to successfully have access to resources that allows them to be productive and keep a high level of engagement.

What does People First mean?

How to put your People First


Give your people the opportunity to align with a purpose and make a bigger impact. Enable employees to support a cause and drive greater engagement.


Get paid how you want and when you want it, and help your employees improve their wellbeing. Be their trusted partner by getting pay right all the time.


Grow by providing opportunities for employees to enhance their skills. Create loyalty by putting their futures first and succeed together.

Our social responsibilities

Building a prosperous future

We are proud partners of Room to Read’s Girls Education Program. Room to Read is a non-profit organisation that seeks to transform millions of children in low-income communities through literacy and gender equality in education. Our involvement with Room to Read is a great reminder of how we can help unlock the potential of people across the world, helping them realise their dreams and opening the doors to a more prosperous future.

Our regional teams also make a difference by supporting local charitable causes to help improve the communities we live and work in.

Connect with us through social media

Follow Ascender on social media to keep up-to-date with how we are putting people first. Stay in the loop on the latest company news, research highlights and benefit from a range of useful resources.

Ready to put your people first?

Contact us today and one of our experts will help you get started.

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